It is with great sadness that we share the news of Dennis “Dr. D” Hardy’s passing on Sunday, November 29, 2009. Dr. D has been a beloved member of the KSPC family since he began hosting a blues show on Saturday afternoons during the summer of 2003. He continued hosting blues shows for a couple of years, doing fill-in spots for Art Martel’s “Straight Up Blues Show” and Bill Hill’s polka program on Saturday mornings. In the fall of 2005 he took over the polka program full-time and brought our Saturday morning listeners great polkas each week until earlier this year when he was diagnosed with cancer.
Dr. D was a musician and enthusiast of all types of music — and despite a very busy work schedule outside of the station, he devoted many hours each week to sharing music and conversation before, during and after his show with listeners and fellow DJs alike. He had a great sense of humor (see photo below) and was always very kind and supportive; he was giving of his time and took great delight in interacting with his listeners. He was also a photographer and artist, and his work can be seen at http://dlhardyphoto.com/.
Tune in this Saturday, December 12 from 8 to 11am (Pacific) — his daughter Jessica and her friend Amy (a.k.a. “The Polka Dots), who filled in for Dennis on occasion, will return to the airwaves once more for a tribute program in his honor.
If you were a listener/friend of Dr. D’s and would like to send a card or message to his family, please send it to:
c/o KSPC
340 N. College Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711
Photo below: Dr. D as the “Blues Monster”, a Halloween display and performance he did at his home one year…

-Erica Tyron