That’s right. Â Maliboo Skipper and DJ Name That DJ love KSPC sooooo much that they are ready, after many years of dedicated work at the station, to take the KSPC tattoo plunge. Â Has this happened before? Â I dunno. Â BUT IT’S HAPPENING NOW! Â Read the message from Maliboo Skipper below:
(DJ NAME THAT DJ on the left and Maliboo Skipper to the right)
After 14 years on the air for DJ Name That DJ and myself, Maliboo Skipper, we have decided it’s about time we get KSPC tattoos. Yes, real ones.
And we need YOUR help, dear listeners, because we don’t have any good design ideas. We’d like it to say 887 (point or not), and after that, we just don’t know. Should it have a radio? A transmitter tower? Microphone? Stars? Hearts? Baboons? Simply the numbers in a really great font? Seriously:Â we don’t know. But we’re guessing some of you have awesome ideas, and maybe you’re willing to share with us.
If we pick your design, besides knowing you assisted in KSPC history, you’ll get:
–    Your tattoo art/ideas displayed on KSPC’s website, Facebook, and anywhere else we can think of putting it.
–     Dinner with us, provided you live in Southern California. We promise we’re charming, and we’ll even take you some place that doesn’t have a drive-thru.
–    A personal tour of the station. Come see our favorite basement!
–    KSPC swag.
–    Homemade cookies of your choosing. If you hate cookies, we’ll figure out something else.
–    We’ll write and sing a song about you…you might not want to get your hopes too high on this.
Preferred size is about 2â€x2†or maybe a bit bigger, suggest a location if you think your design would look best somewhere in particular (we will not be getting neck or hand tattoos, incidentally). Although we’re thinking black and white, we’re not against color. Tattoos we won’t dig: skulls, tribal designs, weapons, indecent/obscene/gruesome images or trademarked characters. If you’re not quite an artist but want to do a vague sketch or just describe your idea in words, we want that too! We do reserve the right to tweak designs, although you will still receive credit. Please send ideas, drawings and questions to [email protected]. If you’d prefer to send a drawing via snail mail, mail to:
KSPC Tattoo Hullabaloo c/o KSPC Thatcher Music Building 340 N. College Ave. Claremont, CA 91711, USAThank you SO much and good luck! We can’t wait to see your ideas!
Maliboo Skipper and DJ Name That DJ