Listen to Magick Orchids perform live on “The Garden Hour” THIS Weds (8/15) @ 8pm! If your curious what these electronic alchemists sound like; there’s a FREE download of their 2012 release “Orgins of Grinding”http://magickorchids.bandcamp.com/album/origins-of-grinding .  You can catch them playing at the So Many Wizards “Warm Nothing” LP release party this Saturday Aug. 18th at The Smell.
M. Geddes Gengras will perform a live set on the Synthdactyl Program (www.facebook.com/SynthdactylProgram  and http://synthdactyl.tumblr.com/) at 9pm on Friday, August 17th. M. Geddes Gengras (http://mgeddesgengras1.bandcamp.com/  and https://www.facebook.com/pages/M-Geddes-Gengras/198838556803764  and http://soundcloud.com/green-machines/ ) is a Los Angeles electronic artist that has a diverse solo career along with being part of bands such as LA Vampires, Pocahaunted and Voder Deth Squad, just to name a few. He will be going on a US tour (http://peccanttapes.blogspot.com/ ) in September with LAUREL HALO, ITAL and MAGIC TOUCH and will also be playing at Human Resources in LA on Saturday August 18th with Mark Mcguire, Sean McCann, Matthew Sullivan & Jeff Witscher and Infinite Body (https://www.facebook.com/events/170822936386227/ ). M. Geddes Gengras recently released in 3-set cassette called “Systems 1” and a collaborative electronic/reggae release with Sun Araw and The Congos called “Icon Give Thank.”