tUnE-YaRds is a one-woman (Merrill Garbus) creative force. As a graduate of Smith College, she knows what us elitist liberal arts students want, and does a great job making it: unique yet instantly accessible pop music. ‘BiRd-BrAiNs’, recorded over 2.5 years, combines electronics with Merrill’s oft-picked ukulele and shapeshifting voice. Merrill does a great job combining three simple elements yet putting together an album that gets better with every listen. Think of a combination of Thao with the Get Down Stay Down, The Blow, and your favorite John Thill tape. As with most other musicians on Portland big-timers Marriage Records, the live show is reputed to be excellent, so check the tour schedule. Best tracks are ‘Lions’ and ‘Fiya’, but the whole album is worth your time and $$$! Available in the pay-what-you-want model or as a cassette tape at her website.
-Fleet Admiral Zipper