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Baby Bloggers review: New Bloggers give insight on some older tunes in the big old stack of CD’s in the KSPC collection.

By Vivian Ponte-Fritz, Sophie Way, Katie Shepley, Gage Taylor, and Pablo Baeza

Freeloaders – Squalorifications (Dogmeat)

V: Your typical surfer/skater dude driving guitar and odd thump of drum kit, trying to deviate from pleasant listening. Garage band sound without much after thought – the lyrics are not totally tangible in their low crooning call of “DANGER”. The psychedelic instrumental experiment gives the group a bit more legitimacy, as musicians but does not make this warped 90’s sound easier on the ears.

K: Rock with an angst element, one for jumping around the room to, vocals and solo give it a dangerous feel energetic and high tempo a video gaming motivational quality.

P: Ever wanted to know what a garage band sound like? Check out Freeloaders, as they combine lovably skuzzy but totally melodic guitar action with “hanging out at Upland skate park” vocals chasing the ghost of grunge – but ultimately all about that SoCal/ Jersey summer fun. Pleasantly Blink-182 drum work-sick-nasty, bruh.

G: Lo-fi punk with an almost surfy vibe carries the sound of teen angst well. Production quality is lacking as it melts into a wall of midrange frequencies. It needs to be tuned up. Sounds like the garage band of that guy down the street. Cool backwards guitar near the end of the track, guitar production is pretty good.

S: Meowhouse covers night times 10, but like at sunset on California Ocean bluffs. Angst, but not like self – consumed with it, throbby bass drum and bass guitar, drummer a bit crash cymbal happy, balance of vocals and instrumental riffs excel sounds a bit like losing control running toward a cliff but then catches itself.