For me this was very difficult to narrow down to 10 tracks because I have so many favorites at the station. I tried to keep it to the hidden gems I’ve found through the years. Most of these are variations of love songs, because, well, I’m a hopeless romantic at heart.
1. Emily Haines and The Soft Skeleton – Telethon
Songs hold many memories for me so this one is one I used to play on repeat. Metric was one of the first quality bands that I got into. I’ve always connected to Emily Haines’ lyrics and her voice has a way of comforting me. The lyrics are always so poetic and her influences from growing up show in her music. Her dad was a poet who frequently hung out with jazz musicians. The beauty and elegance in this song is so captivating. You can feel her words as they echo through your soul.
2. Freelance Whales – Location
This song reminds me of road trips with friends and trips I’ve made to figure things out. It also provides such cinematic sounds that provide the perfect imagery. It is one of my favorite songs to listen to when in transit.
3. Mason Proper – Point A to Point B
Okay you got me, I love to travel and this is one of my traveling songs. I love the intro with the kids and this song is so hazy beautiful. The overall flow of this song is purely amazing. The drumbeat during the chorus gets me every time too.
4. Death Cab For Cutie – All Is Full of Love
I am a huge fan of covers, Death Cab For Cutie, and Bjork. So the fact that we have the combination of all 3 at the station brings me unlimited joy. This is also one of my favorite Bjork songs too. I love this cover and Ben Gibbard definitely did this song justice. Also the lyrical content will hit your heart hardcore and let you know that there is always hope. I like songs that give you hope.
5. The XX – Islands
The layers to this song are absolute perfection. Not to mention the lyrics!!! This is one of my favorite songs of all time. It talks about searching for a love around the world when finding out it was right there and it found them instead. Which I think is such a powerful message. When you can relate to a song it holds even more power and significance to you. I can totally relate and this song really reminds me of someone.
6. Phantogram – 16 years
Another lyrical powerhouse of a song. Phantogram used to actually be called Charlie Everywhere. When I hear this song I am reminded of times I have seen them and the lights and the atmosphere that is provided with their shows. Yes their music is just as wonderous live but you get visual bonuses. I like this song again because it is a hopeful song and the vocals accompanied with the music are so hauntingly beautiful.
7. Happy Hollows – Endless
Oh goodness, this song it’s so good it is almost ineffable. Jangly guitars, synth, enchanting vocals, and lyrics full of sunshine. This song will make you feel good. It also reminds me of the day my car was totaled and what could have been a total disaster of a day was turned into a great one by people I was able to rely on. I also saw Happy Hollows that day. That day felt endless in a good way so this song gives me the warm fuzzies. Oh yeah and they are local too!!!!!!
8. Dum Dum Girls – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
What’s better than one of your favorite bands covering one of your favorite songs from The Smiths you ask? Being able to play it on the radio of course. I adore this track to bits and pieces and I really love the Dum Dum Girls as artists. But I first fell in love with Dee Dee’s music when she was in another band called Grand Ole Party where she played the drums really well while singing. It was obvious she had talent so it is great to see what she has done with it in collaborating with others for new projects.
9. The Virgins – Love Is Colder Than Death
Okay so this isn’t really a love song but it is a song about being stronger and has an amazing bassline. It is incredibly fun to dance to and no one should let their love be colder than death so I like the message.
10. Bikini Kill – Rebel Girl
When I was a baby DJ, I was beyond thrilled to see this in our library. I also played it in my first set. Also I identify as a lesbian and this has always been a favorite anthem of mine. Kathleen Hannah is a really inspiring woman and did a lot for the Riot Grrrl movement. It also reminds me of the first thing I saw when I came to KSPC and how I knew it was the right place for me. As soon as you walk into the station you see I Support Queer Rights on the wall. I really couldn’t be happier to DJ for such a wonderful and supportive station.
If I was allowed just one more it would be The Stooges – No Fun because it is a classic and I love to dance to it at the station. Plus we totally have it on vinyl!!!!
-DJ Zomb-E