Hey KSPC friends!
I just wanted to start of this semester by introducing myself.  My name’s Elizabeth, and I am the new Blog Director at KSPC this semester.  For those of you who are new to the blog, welcome! Here’s the gist:
We’re responsible for maintaining KSPC’s online presence, promoting local and emerging artists, and keeping you updated on and interested in what’s going on down at the station. This is really a way to reach out to our listeners by appealing to their interests beyond the immediate KSPC realm in a way that is relevant to our community. It also gives us the chance to show you on a slightly more personal level what it’s like to be a part of the station, so be sure to check it out whenever you can!
I’m really looking forward to what I hope will be an exciting, interesting year of music, events, and blogging. Please feel free to leave any feedback in the comments section.
All the best,