You may have seen our recent blogpost about Polka Dot Dot Dot’s newest album, Syzygy. Just before Thanksgiving, DJ Lilly (of Flowerhours) and I had an epic experience seeing PDDD at Historical Monument 157, an old Victorian house next to a closed-down Mexican restaurant and a laundromat. PDDD writes on their blog (adorably titled “Polka Blog Blog Blog”):
“Located in a seemingly drab stripmall spangled block near Lincoln [Heights] — this towering Victorian manor is an immaculate gem that may be visible only to those who already know it exists. Simply put, Historical Monument 157 is a portal into a world constructed entirely of pure magic. The interior is awash with bold colors, ornate friezes, and lush fabrics that maintained a subtle glow in the dim, ambient lamplight. Residents of HM157 were impeccably dressed in an array of finery, and their dispositions echoed their shimmery attire. The plunking, howling sounds of prewar blues, folk, and early jazz effected a timelessness that suited the spirit of the evening’s performances perfectly. Outside, an expansive backyard patio (be-speckled in white faerie lights) is lined in glamorous Airstream trailers. Dreamy!”
While sipping fresh hot cider, I watched PDDD clap their hands, stomp their feet, and harmonize about flying trampolines (there was also some banjo in there). Opening band Homesick Elephant set the tone with poppy (but sometimes melancholy) folk tunes. Lilly and I were also lucky to sit down with PDDD on the couches in the backyard, where they chatted about their love of New Zealand, living sincerely instead of ironically, and equipment trailers painted like whales. Keep an eye out for that interview, which will be posted soon on the KSPC website!