Way back in October, Mark Redito and Astronautica performed at Pomona College in an evening to remember. Relive or experience these artists’ magic for the first time with the following recollections and photography by a KSPC staffer!
Mark Redito and Astronautica, two royalties of the LA beat scene, commanded the Smith Campus Center Social Room stage and hypnotized the crowd with an evening of bassy grooves.
Starting off the evening was Dairy Queen, a Pomona senior and standout selecta. She riled up the early birds with a striking grime mix.
Astronautica, a favorite at KSPC since the release of her 2013 album Replay Last Night, spun a mix of hip hop bangers and rumbling trap. Mark joined her on the stage towards the end of the set. (Surprisingly, the two had never met prior to this event!)
Mark Redito then took over the turntables, met with a crowd of adoring student fans. In addition to his shimmery studio recordings, he spun a solid number of SOPHIE tracks (yes!!!) and even brought out a hard-hitting version of “Getting to Know You.” (I’m just going to assume that I wasn’t the only one who left the space with a giddy endorphin rush.)
You can find out more about the two artists by visiting: