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Movie Music-Searching For Sugar Man

As far as I am aware, there are not many films made about 70 year-old men from Detroit, Michigan with a Wikipedia profile listing them as a singer-songwriter, guitarist, poet, excavation worker, and demolition worker.  Searching for Sugar Man (2012)…

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Movie Music-Ruby Sparks

I’m a dancer, so music has always been a very important part of my life.  Truth be told, however, my taste in music, which happens to very eclectic if not somewhat bipolar, is based much more on gut reactions than…

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Fan Art Feature-Tyler Haywood and Johnny Chew   Check out this music video for God is an Astronaut's "Spiral Code" sent in by KSPC listeners and this week's featured artists Tyler Haywood and Johnny Chew! "Our inspiration for the video revolved around a few elements, but we were…

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KSPC Charts-Sept.28

1 DAVID LYNCH The Big Dream Sacred Bones 2 BATHS Obsidian Anticon 3 TY SEGALL Sleeper Drag City 4 NO AGE An Object Sub Pop 5 GRUMBLING FUR Glynnaestra Thrill jockey 6 ISLANDS Ski Mask Manque Music 7 SALVIA PLATH…

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Will It Blend 2: Powwow-Step

The first thing I heard was rhythmic drumming, and an electronic, voice-like synthesizer. Then the speakers exploded with Native American chanting. I was thus introduced to A Tribe Called Red, a Canadian band that blends elements of “First Nation” music…

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KSPC Charts-Sept. 24

TOP 30 1 SLEEPER Ty Segall Drag City 2 WAS DEAD King Tuff burger records 3 EXPECTATIONS Moses Campbell Big Joy 4 DRIFTERS/LOVE IS THE NEW DEVIL  Dirty Beaches Zoo Music 5 SILVER WILKINSON Bibio WARP 6 LOUD CITY SONG…

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Bodegas In-Studio 8-23-13

Bodegas were so lovely as to come into our basement studio this summer...  Check out the recordings of this IE favorite. xoxo KSPC Track 1 - One Track 2 - Finna Track 3 - Scum Track 4 - Natural Selection…

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Honey Bucket In-Studio 8-14-13

This summer KSPC got a chance to hang out with the kool doodz of Honey Bucket (Gnar Tapes/Burger) from Portland, Oregon. Here are the tracks we recorded before their show at the dA Center for the Arts! Also, keep an…

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Art After Hours Recap 09/19/13

Art After Hours It was a cool, deep blue Thursday night, illuminated with the white iridescence of the full moon. “Art After Hours” was hosting its event for student exhibitions. Students had all worked on performances and various other forms…

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