**The audio was edited for wordpress file size limitations. You can watch & listen to the entire performance on our FB page:Â https://www.facebook.com/KSPCOnline/videos/10159763612470014/
Sister Mantos is a music and performance art group based in Los Angeles. Listen to their In-Studio recorded on December 3rd, 2017 on the The Songs for the Whippersnapper Show. You can listen to the The Songs for the Whippersnapper Show on the 1st & 2nd Sunday from 7pm-10pm.
When Sister Mantos takes stage, their psychedelic blend of LATIN BEATS, PUNK ATTITUDE, and FUNK RHYTHMS invigorate the crowd to dance, sing and rejoice.
Sister Mantos sings songs in Spanish and English about love, QUEER & POC empowerment, and utopias that are free of war and oppression.
Sister Mantos is a solo performance band or a huge orchestra depending on the time and place but a guaranteed party either way.
Audiences are sent on a spaced out psychedelic road trip and treated to mystical experience of spastic dancing, bumping beats, and POSITIVE ENERGY.
Originally started as an alias for a solo music/art performance project by Oscar Miguel Santos in 2008, Sister Mantos has transformed into a live band multi-instrumental band that traverses sonic genres.
photos by Maximilian Ho