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Burial – Untrue

In a rare interview Burial once said, "I love...old jungle and garage tunes, when you didn't know anything about them, and nothing was between you and the tunes." This philosophy certainly rings true in his artistic persona and his music. Burial was totally…

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#1 @ KSPC: Passion Pit – Manners

Album: Manners Artist: Passion Pit Label: Frenchkiss Passion Pit's first full-length release, "Manners," incorporates and highlights Micheal Angelakos' signature falsetto vocals.  While Manners dances along the line of becoming overly poppy and danceable, whether he crosses that line becomes a…

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The Ever So Talked (Blogged) About Wavves -04.16.09 Show Review

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Mandy’s Performance Quality Scale- C+
I have seen many shows during my two years at the Claremont Colleges. There have been highs and lows in terms of performance and band personality, and after many months I have created a Performance Quality Scale in my mind. Ponytail at The Smell on 10/10/08 being at the high end of the scale and Band That Shall Remain Unnamed on 11/22/08 in Dom’s Lounge, Pomona College at the other end of the scale. On this scale, Nathan “Wavves” Williams lands somewhere in the middle.

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REVIEW: Starfucker – Jupiter (Badman)

Jupiter is Starfucker's second album, a mini-LP (or mega-EP) full of smooth, playful, dancy electropop with new wave vibes. Their first album was similar in many ways, but for this album they've apparently added a fourth member and given their…

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